Welcome to
Northminster Church
Visiting Northminster
Welcome! No matter what brings you to Northminster, we are grateful for your presence because we have a fuller glimpse of God’s face through you – your gender, your race, your sexuality, your theology, your stories… everything that makes you uniquely you. You are gifted with an inherent worth and dignity, and here we seek to honor that. Here, you are loved just as you are.
In our worship, we hope you encounter both the gracious and powerful mystery that is God as well as the warm and caring spirit woven deeply into the fabric of the Northminster family of faith. Through sacred scripture, majestic music, thoughtful litany, personal prayer and meaningful sermons, we attempt to offer our Lord our best and have an authentic and personal encounter with the Sacred Presence. At the same time, we seek how to live out our faith in Christ Jesus outside our walls. We hope you experience an open and inclusive attitude from each caring Christian here.
If you are a first- time worshiper, you may have questions about who we are and how we attempt to be the heart and hands of Jesus in our world. You are encouraged to read the information in this bulletin, check out our web page. Also, please fill in your name and address on the attendance registry when it is passed. If you desire specific information, do not hesitate to ask someone and we’ll get that to you quickly.
Upon visiting with us, at the end of the service, don't rush away! Give us a chance to get to know you. Whether you are traveling through Monroe or seeking a church home, we are delighted to have you with us and wish to share with you the fellowship we treasure. Above all, we pray your time here will meet the needs of your soul.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday School begins
Preludes begin,
A time to sit quietly in the sanctuary and center ourselves as the musicians play.
Worship begins
Children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with family and take part in worship. If you should choose, there are also child-care and children’s education opportunities available:
For infants through age two, a Nursery is provided during Sunday school and Worship.
Preschool age children are invited to attend the "Extended Session Sunday School" during the 10:45am worship hour. Pre-kindergarten children will be engaged in a Bible lesson, periodic musical education lessons and play.
Children up to age 8 are also invited to attend their Sunday School during the 10:45 am worship hour with Bible lessons, art projects, periodic musical education and play.
For more information about children at Northminster, see the "Children" page under the "Faith Formation" tab.
Sunday School
For more about our Sunday School classes and what they are doing together, please see the "Sunday School" page under the "Faith Formation" tab in the menu.