Welcome to
Northminster Church
...do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God
[Micah 6:8]
Northminster is a progressive, inclusive community of faith seeking to embody God's Love in the world. Each week we gather to tune our hearts to Love through sacred stories, thoughtful liturgy, open-hearted prayer, and beauttiful music. We value asking hard questions and cultivating kind, loving relationships.
We are a family largely made up of "spiritual refugees." If you have experienced trauma and exclusion at the hands of the church, you will be in good company. Every part of you is welcome here - your gender, your race, your politics, you theology, your sexuality...we welcome and affirm every part of you because you reveal a unique piece of the image of God, and we are better because you are with us.
Welcoming and Affirming Statement
of Northminster Church​
We the people of Northminster Church are a Welcoming and Affirming congregation. One of our most important founding principles, along with theological freedom of the individual member, is love and inclusion for all who enter our fellowship. Inclusion means not only acceptance and tolerance; it means full embracing love and respect for each other, a real desire to learn from each other, and an assurance that each member may participate fully in every aspect of ministry. We provide a safe, welcome and nurturing place for all who have felt marginalized by the church or by society at large. We, as a body, confess the church’s history of condemnation and exclusion of persons as being unworthy to be a part of the family of God. We further acknowledge this condemnation has harmed many lives in such forms as alienation, violence, and death.
We are committed to the work of justice and peace in our community and in the world for all people--not just the privileged few. In this work, we seek to follow the example set by Jesus in loving God and others as God loves us. We embrace all people with no regard to gender, age, race, ethnicity, immigration status, economic status, theological background, education, physical or mental condition, makeup of household, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We affirm and celebrate all loving and committed relationships.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are God’s beloved, just as you are. You are worthy! You are welcome!​​​​​​​
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Fill in the information to the right
Sunday School
10:00 AM -
10:45 AM
There is always something new going on in the life of the church.
Look under the "Activities" tab in the menu for more information about what's going on this week, and how you might be able to get involved.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions, or to schedule a time to meet with one of our community leaders.
10:45 AM -
11:00 AM
11:00 AM -
12:00 PM